Czech Republic - flag Czech Republic - Work Skills & Ancestry - Trade Licence (Freelance Status)

You can have a trade licence certificate for all types of work, and in some cases there is no requirement to show qualifications. However, in other situations you will need to prove you are qualified.

Professions, trades and services are listed according to category and you can choose which category your trade will fall into. A big improvement that came into play with the new law is that you now only need one trade license (based on a list that can be found at the trade license office.) Previously, depending what you wanted to do, you may have had to buy two, three, four or more licenses – all at 1000CZK . Now, for 1000CZK you’ll receive a “certificate of incorporation” which will be one document listing all your licensed areas.

Before submitting the application you should bear in mind that you need to have an official place of work (msto podnkn), because this will go in the records, although you can carry out your business elsewhere. The place of work can be the flat or house where you live, or it can be an office.

Another thing you will need to obtain is a birth registration number (rodn čslo). There is much confusion about this requirement, with some people stating that foreigners do not need the number. However, under the law you are supposed to have one if you are resident here, and if you are an employee you should definitely have a birth registration number. You can apply for it at the relevant Foreigners’ Police office.

The procedure for applying for a trade licence certificate as a non-EU citizen is basically the same as it is for an EU citizen, although you will need to present a residence permit (which you can apply for on the basis of securing your Trade License).
The procedure for obtaining the certificate of no criminal record is different for non-EU citizens, although domestic and Czech certificates are required. Bear in mind that non-Czech documents need verification so you should check all the criminal record requirements with your embassy beforehand.

Remember that you should apply for a new residence permit if you are an employee and intend to work entirely as a sole trader, because you are changing your basis for being in the Czech Republic.

If you are an employee but intend to work on the basis of a trade licence too, or vice versa, then you should contact the Foreigners’ Police immediately to make the necessary arrangements.

The trade licence should be renewed when you renew your residence permit.

Once you have the certificate you should obtain a tax identification number (daňov identifikačn čslo) immediately. It is issued by the finance office of the relevant municipality. The identification number is basically the same as the birth registration number - your date of birth and an additional four digits.

You will also need the eight-digit registration number (identifikačn čslo). This will be automatically included on your trade licence if you are an EU citizen. If you are a non-EU citizen you are required to have your trade licence registered at the local Commercial Court (Obchodn soud) and pay a fee for this.

Whether you’re an EU citizen or not, if you move to an area under the administration of a different municipality you should inform the Foreigners’ Police, the relevant trade licence offices and the Commercial Court (if applicable) within a certain period.


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