United Kingdom - Passport & Nationality - British Citizenship (Adopted outside the UK) 4L Discretion - British mother
If a person is adopted, and their biological mother was born in the UK before 1983, then this person:
- was born a British citizen if born after 1982; OR
- can register as a British citizen if born before 1983.
The question is a lot more complicated if the claim relies on an adoptive mother who was born in the UK. While a registration process was available to the parents in some circumstances in the past, there are instances where gender discrimination played a part in this registration not being possible. Recent changes to British nationality law now allow for a successful application for British citizenship to be made, at the discretion of the Secretary of State. This would arise where:
- a person was adopted outside of the UK;
- their adoptive mother was born in the UK; AND
- their adoptive mother was prevented from registering their child because of gender discrimination.
Finally, we have to demonstrate that there is an enduring connection to the UK. Examples include:
- growing up in an English-speaking household;
- attending an English-speaking school;
- regular travel to the UK;
- previous residence or study in the UK;
- owning a property or business in the UK.
- family who live in the UK.