United Kingdom - Passport & Nationality - British Overseas Citizen (BOC) - Protectorate by Descent
A solution exists for a person born between 1949 and 1983 to a father born before 01.01.1949 in a place that remained a British Protectorate on 01.01.1949. In addition, their paternal grandfather must have been born in a place that was within the British Crown Dominions on 31.12.1948. See British Overseas Citizen (BOC) - Protectorate for more information on this solution.
Candidates must not have been subject to the automatic loss arrangements specific to the countries involved to qualify under this provision.
If the candidate has a grandparent born in the United Kingdom, then their claim becomes one of British Citizenship as long as this UK-born grandparent allows them to claim the Right of Abode.
Click here for more information on the British Overseas Citizen (BOC) status.